January 27, 2021 10:10 pm Published by

It has been a very long time since I did any form of blog post, but now I have my own – it’s about time to begin again.

Sometime back in August 2008, in the depths of what was then a major downturn/recession, I decided to build a new office for myself and my wife.

That somewhat morphed into an office for me, a demonstraion room and a rather nice listening room, still in use to this day.

Along the way, I built another, for Pat to use as her office, and a room more in line with a typical living room in the UK, so ‘dem room 2’ was born.

The story of those builds was blogged and kept on a site that decided to have an upgrade and trashed my entire thing into that great pixel heaven out there.

That being said – I had contacted a guy who could, (& he did just that) – one Mr Simon Asbury from https://wearedigitalbydefault.co.uk to possibly rescue / save the thred from digital extinction.

That is what is above this for now.

There it stopped, or so I thought.

An itch got scratched, and room 3 began to take shape in the mind.

No small undertaking, as all the machines upstairs would need to go downstairs, into a new machine shop.

Except that area was full to the brim with old stock, horrible floors full of lintels and very fragile in places, and as tough as old concrete in others.

So that needed to be sorted first, made into a full machine shop, get all those ‘toys’ down and installed and then – begin on what will be the final room in these premises.

This is the story to date, how it evolved, what needed to be dug up, made good, levelled, straightened, strengthened and generally renewed…

No way can I just do it all in one post, as there are many images, and nigh on 2 years have gone by since it began, but, finally, we are making big headways into ‘getting there’

The building is very, very old, a Victorian foundry that was once ‘Bailey & Pegg’ producers of items for the military (cannons / cannonballs no less, for the Crimean war) and then onto more mundane cast items such as pipes and other industrial items.

It is an absolute nightmare to work on. It fights every mm of the way, throwing inumerable challenges at you – daily.

Nothing but nothing is easy, and once you know that, and it sinks in as fact, then you can begin.

This part of the story can begin with making the machine shop, in readiness to get all that big stuff down into it and working.

Currently, room 1 looks like this.
Getting this to be DR3 is the challenge.